Delta Opial inequality

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Theorem: For a differentiable $x \colon [0,h] \cap \mathbb{T} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ with $x(0)=0$ we have $$\displaystyle\int_0^h |(x+x^{\sigma})x^{\Delta}|(t) \Delta t \leq h \displaystyle\int_0^h |x^{\Delta}|^2(t) \Delta t,$$ with equality when $x(t)=ct$.



R. Agarwal, M. Bohner, A. Peterson - Inequalities on Time Scales: A Survey


Bernoulli Bihari Cauchy-Schwarz Gronwall Hölder Jensen Lyapunov Markov Minkowski Opial Tschebycheff Wirtinger